Application How-to description:
1. Read the positions below and decide what you will be running for.
2. Read in that position description to find out if you need to complete a signature petition in order to run, and if so, how many signatures you will need.
3. If you are running for a position that requires signatures, you will need to create a signature petition form, and collect all of your signatures before submitting an application. This doesn't mean that you can't begin campaigning before you complete the signature petition and application. Below is an example of what your petition should look like:
> a. To do this you will need to go to your google drive from your *university email*, then select + New in the top left corner, then Google Forms.
> b. Follow the outline above to create a signature petition form. Make sure that all sections are required except for the endorsement checkbox, and you have restricted users to the U of M users and trusted organizations. These things are so that we can verify your signatures if needed, using U of M emails only allows us to be sure that one person has not signed the form many times with different emails.
> c. Remember, you can get this out there however you want. I recommend creating a QR code and showing all of your friends and associates and making posters to put up around UMD and share on social media. If you still need more signatures I recommend speaking in your classes and the organizations you are a part of.
> d. If you prefer to take signatures in person or by hand rather than online you can make a sheet as long as it includes all the necessary components and you can enter the information into your form yourself.
4. Once you have completed the signature petition if needed, then you can begin filling out the candidate declaration/application linked above. You will be asked specific questions pertaining to the position you are applying for.
5. After you have applied your information will be posted here on the website for the student body to review. Campaigning will help you secure a position, as competition can be steep for all positions, publically elected and appointed alike. Next, watch out for more information on the actual election (March 1st, 2021), and the President/Vice President public forum (February 25th, 2021).
Position Descriptions:
President: *requires attendance at the public forum/debate on TBD*
The President and the Vice President run for office together as a team. If you are looking to run for President you should find a running mate.
Vice President: *requires attendance at the public forum/debate on TBD*
The President and the Vice President run for office together as a team. If you are looking to run for President you should find a running mate.
Chief of Staff:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Chief Academic Affairs Officer:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Chief Student Life Officer:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Chief External Affairs Officer:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Chief Financial Officer:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Representative to the Regents:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Rules and Elections Director:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Public Relations Director:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Systems Admin Director:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Bulldog Taxi Director:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Director of Sustainability:
In this position, you will facilitate the work of voting members by... This position is not voted on by the student body but rather chosen and appointed by the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect shortly after elections.
Senator (2 LSBE, 2 SCSE, 2 CEHSP, 2 CLA): *requires a 50 signature petition to run*
The Senator position is a chance to make decisions system-wide and work on behalf of all students at UMD. In this position, you will serve on the Student Senate Committee with Students from all University of Minnesota campuses. You will also serve on the Academic Affairs Committee and meet with your respective dean representing your specific college within the UMD community. In this position, you have the chance to effect change and represent your classmates and friends on matters that are important to your specific collegiate unit and its functioning. This is an opportunity to serve as an advocate to support causes preserving the student voice and needs at UMD. As well as, a chance to network and build professional relationships and leadership skills. As a Senator, you will be one of the main decision-makers of the body, as a voting member.
Representative at Large (12): *requires a 25 signature petition to run*
The Representative at Large position is a chance to make decisions system-wide and work on behalf of all students at UMD. In this position, you will serve on one Campus Governance Committee and one Congressional Committee developing resolutions in coordination with members internal or external to represent the students of UMD. You will be one of the primary legislative members of UMDSGA. In this position, you have the chance to effect change and represent your classmates and friends on matters that are important to you and the students you represent. This is an opportunity to serve as an advocate to support causes preserving the student voice and needs at UMD. As well as, a chance to network and build professional relationships and leadership skills. As a Representative at Large, you will be one of the main decision-makers of the body, as a voting member.