
Academic Affairs

The Academic Affairs Committee, composed of both SGA members and fellow students, specializes in examining newly proposed and revised academic policies from UMD's diverse governance committees. Furthermore, the committee gathers student perspectives on policies during events like Late Night Library, ensuring comprehensive feedback on these policies. The Academic Affairs Committee identifies concerns regarding the educational experience of students at UMD and works to improve those concerns. 

External Affairs

The External Affairs Committee strives to gather student input on issues and allows students’ voices to be heard at the local, state, and federal levels of government. The four major events involving the External Affairs Committee are the Life after the Dorms event/panel, Night Walks, and Donuts with a Cop, which all take place throughout the academic year. 

Legislative Relations

The Legislative Relations Committee serves as the lobbyist group for UMD, advocating for students on the local, state, and federal levels of government. The Legislative Relations Committee comprises both internal members of SGA and Student Legislative Advocates who focus on developing knowledge and experience in legislative affairs and learning to be effective lobbyists. This committee organizes events to increase civic engagement on campus, attends lobbying training and local events, and plans the Support the U Day, Bulldog Lobby Day, and St. Louis County Days to advocate for our school and students.

Public Relations

The Public Relations Committee engages with the student body by communicating inter-personally and managing the social media of UMDSGA. PR assists the committees of SGA and student organizations on campus with promoting events. We open our expertise and connections to all students of UMD who desire our help with advertising an event on campus. Public Relations also manages SGA tabling in Kirby and posting flyers around campus to bring awareness of events.

Rules and Elections

The Rules and Elections Committee is responsible for the organization, supervision, and operation of all UMDSA elections and the rules of operation. The point of this committee is to help make sure elections run smoothly, and the bylaws/constitution is consistently updated. The elections include both Freshmen Elections and Spring Elections.

Student Life

The Student Life Committee handles any non-academic issues or concerns that students may have around the school. We handle issues such as parking, food quality, and increasing school pride, among a large list of other things. We commit ourselves to bettering the lives of UMD students on campus.


The Sustainability Committee actively engages students and identifies any challenges regarding sustainability on the UMD campus. Working directly with the UMD Office of Sustainability, student leaders for sustainability organizations, and hosting major events for all students to become involved with sustainability, the committee is committed to all sustainability initiatives on campus. The committee hosts the Sustainability Fair in the Fall semester and Earth Week in the Spring semester. Throughout the academic year, the committee and Sustainability Director meet monthly with the student sustainability leaders regarding their organizations, including SEE-Change, Eco-Reps, Plant The Revolution, and Helping Hives, among many other student organizations.