Freshmen Elections


How the Process Works:

Once applications open you will be able to fill out the Google Forms and provide answers that will appear on your candidate information page. This will set you apart from others so be sure to take your time and put effort into your answers. You will also need to complete a digital signature form before applications close on September 30th at 5 pm. An online election will be held on October 4th and 5th which will be open for all UMD Freshman to vote. A voting station will be held in the Kirby Garage from 8 am to 5 pm both days and the digital ballot will be posted here. The winner will be notified of their victory via email. Any questions can be directed to Michael Waldorf at [email protected].

Your Responsibilities:

As a student leader, you will be responsible for representing your fellow classmates and bringing their voice to issues facing them and the entire campus. If elected, you will be a voting member in the Student Association Congress which meets every Monday at 6 pm. These sessions are how we bring forth issues and topics to find solutions as a group. To see more about specific responsibilities of the Freshmen President and Freshmen Representative please read over the  UMDSA Constitution and the UMDSA Bylaws to become familiar with the roles. Any questions can be directed to Michael Waldorf at [email protected].

How to Get Started:

  1. Submit an Application by 5 pm Thursday, September 30th for Freshmen Representative at Large.
  2. You will receive an email with further information including a digital signature petition.
  3. Review the UMDSA Bylaws on elections and campaigning starting at Article XIV.
  4. Begin campaigning as soon as you can.
  5. Get your peers to vote on October 4th at 8am - Oct 5th at 5pm

To vote click here

*Make sure to log in using your UMD credentials